First of all, welcome to LearnToViz community! We are very happy to have you on board. If you are having trouble with the sign up process, this guide is meant to help you.
Step 1: click on "Registrati" button
Step 2: begin to fill in the form with the following information:
Full name
Email address
Chosen password
Step 3: continue to fill in the form with the following information:
The name of the company you work for (if any)
The language you feel more comfortable with
The reason why you are signing up* *work (professionale), educational (studio), others
Step 4: privacy options:
the first flag is mandatory. It says that you have read and accept the privacy policy of LearnToViz
The second one is optional. It says you give us consent to the use of personal data for marketing purpose
Step 5: click on the blue button to complete the sign up process!
Well done, now you are officially part of our community! If you need further support from our team, please contact
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Dichiaro di aver preso visione della privacy policy e di accettare Termini & Condizioni
Presto il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali per finalità di marketing. Il consenso è facoltativo e il diniego non inciderà sul processo di registrazione